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walking track for Irene from Vera
Dear Irene, the total walk I have decided you to walk from your house is 2,7 km long and google predicts it will take you 34 minutes. I would like you to take a stopwatch and time your walk to see if google is predicting it correctely.
On the walk I would like you to pay attention to the surfaces and structures you are walking on. Are they always the same or are they changing during the walk? Is it only typical asphalt or are there other surfaces you walk on? Please take pictures of the different materials you walk on. Also notice if you feet and shoes make a different sound depending on which surface you walk, if possible record the different sounds.
So lets start your walk.
I do not exactely understand on which side of the street you leave your home. Please follow the Sint-Denijslaan to the left. Meaning if you stand infront of the train bridge you follow Sint-Denijslaan to the left. Walk approximately 120 meter, then you will see on the left the street Roosakker, but you continue on the Sint-Denijslaan, it goes slightly into a curve, still follow Sint-Denijslaan until you reach the street Kwartelstraat on your right, this will be approximately be after 600 meter. Turn into Kwartelstraat, on the next crossroad take left and walk on Stormvogelstraat, walk the whole Stormvogelstraat out, you will arrive on Maurice Dupiuslaan. Turn right, it is only around 20 meters then you arrive on the next crossroad, turn right onto Snepkaai. Normally you find a river on your left now, called Leie. Walk along side the water, after approximately 100m, it looks like you have to walk on a smaller path, do not follow anymore the normal street, but hold left, next to the water. You should pass by a boat-renting place. And a take out restaurant called Fou d`O. Please continue walking until you reach a bridge. It looks like it is a bridge only for people and maybe bikes, but for sure not for cars. Cross the bridge. Continue on the small path, and if you get to a crosspoint, always hold left, The path does not have a name, but it looks like on the map always when there is a path crossing you have to choose the one one the left. You will reach another water, this is a small lake. The lake will be to your right. Continue walking on the path, you should pass by a coffeplace called: Skichalet, it will be to your left, on the right is the lake. Continue walking along side the water, now you should see on your left a tower, this is your end destination. Climb the stairs and enjoy the view! Maybe you see the world from another perspective, when standing on a higher spot. Belgium is quite flat, but that means the view is more far. I am curious if you could follow my instructions and if you have walked on different grounds.
walking track for Lyra from Irene
Ok, hi Lyra, how are you?
As you know I don't know Gent so I often used google maps and google earth to discover some streets of the city.
These apps give a lot of information but you can certainly give me information that I can't find on the internet.
Tell me about the flavours you feel, the tactile sensations and the sounds of this route. This is all information that only you can give me.
OK let's get started.
I will obviously get all the pronunciations of the routes wrong. Just so you know, I'm sorry, this is going to be fun.
Make sure you don't walk too fast, it's important the route and the details you tell me. I'm interested in your subjective view of this route. Get information that the apps could never give me.
OK, you should now be outside your house at 436 Rooigemlaan Street in Ghent (we're off to a bad start with the pronunciation). Stay on the side of your house and go left. Walk straight on looking to the right because you will soon have to cross the street to the right and enter Bellefleurstraat street.
Walk the whole street and then turn right into Peerstraat Street. I chose that street because I discovered that at number 91 there is a structure that has asked Google to hide it, in fact on google earth it is blurred and impossible to see. Can you take a picture of the structure at 91 Peerstraat? I'm curious!
Ok, now that you've solved this mystery, go straight on down Peerstraat (ah, if you find any nice doors, let me know, I often take pictures of them). You should come to an intersection, turn left into Druifstraat, walk straight on and then turn right into Nekkrsputstraat. Keep walking straight. Is this a noisy street?
Turn right into Isegrimstrast street and then turn left into Cantecleerstraat street.
I chose this street because this area is shaped like a slice from above and I thought it was curious.
Ok now turn left into Koning Nobelplein street. What are the predominant colours in this area?
Go straight on and then turn right again onto Koning Nobelplein and then turn immediately left onto Brugsesteenweg. (My pronunciation is always terrible, sorry).
Then turn left into Bourgoyendreef Street and continue straight on along the trees. You should be in a green area. What does it smell like? Is it hot?
Continue straight ahead and as soon as you see a path turn right, keep following the path (you are passing through the green area), when you have passed through the area of trees you will come to the street Driepikkelstraat. You should have arrived at the 'Nature And Environment centre the Bourgoyen'. Is it an interesting place? Was it difficult to get there? Did you meet many people on the way?
Now keep the path you came from behind you and turn right onto Driepikkelstraat. Continue straight on, you should pass some houses. Are there lots of colours?
You will come to a crossroads, turn left onto Brugsesteenweg and continue straight on until you see Spellewerkstraat on your right. On the corner there should be an 'Art & Craft Media' shop. Are the shop windows still covered with advertisements for photographic equipment?
There ends your route. I hope you didn't get lost and enjoyed the journey. I look forward to hearing your views on this journey! Thank you for travelling for me. // Here Irene, over and out.
walking track for Vera from Aline
Goeiemorgen, of goeiemiddag of goeienavond! Afhankelijk van wanneer ge kiest om deze wandeling te doen.

Ik hoop dat ge een beetje zult kunnen genieten op deze wandeling en dingen tegenkomt die u aanspreken. En als iets u aanspreekt, voel u dan vrij om er een geschreven, visuele of auditieve herinnering van te maken.

Eens ge buiten zijt gestapt en met uw rug naar de deur staat, stapt ge naar links en dan kunt ge aan het eerste kruispunt terug naar links gaan.

Hierna volgt de hoofdweg naar rechts, maar ge volgt de weg die rechtdoor maar ook een beetje naar links gaat.

Als ge op een T splitsing komt, gaat ge naar links.

Op het volgende kruispunt gaat ge dan terug naar links.

Hierna komt ge terug op een kruispunt, waar ge naar rechts gaat om dan direct terug naar rechts te gaan.

In deze straat neemt ge dan de derde niet-doodlopende straat naar links.

Blijf deze straat volgen en op de T splitsing aan het pleintje gaat ge dan naar links.

Neem nu de eerste straat naar rechts om dan direct terug naar links in te slaan.

Nu neemt ge de eerste straat rechts, die zal doodlopend zijn, maar voor voetgangers is er een doorgang gemaakt rechtdoor en die gaat ge gewoon doorwandelen.

Terug op de grotere straat gaat ge naar rechts.

Op het volgende kruispunt gaat ge naar links.

Blijf volgen tot ge aan een park gekomen zijt.

Kruis dit park schuin rechts door, naar de andere hoek. Maar voel u vrij om op eender welke manier het park te doorkruisen. Zolang ge maar aan de andere kant, rechts, terecht komt.

Ge blijft deze diagonale richting aanhouden om de grotere baan tegen te komen.

Steek deze baan over en ga rechtdoor.

Neem dan het linkse pad en leg vast wat daar aanwezig is, vanaf nu zijn er geen instructies meer, dus voel u vrij om te doen wat ge wilt.
Video of the walk, different surfaces I walked on. Sounds and textures.
walking track for Aline from Haizea

Hello Aline,

I have decided to add some music to the walking track in order to make the
walking more easygoing. In the last meeting Vera spoke about relating the directions with sounds so I have decided to associate "right", "left" and "forwards" with different instruments, such as, Violin, Flute and
Percussion - Voice.

In order to make it possible I have recorded a 6:52 minut audio with different types of indication, therefore, you will need to remember that "right" means Violin, "left" means Flute and Percusion - Voice means "forward".

In order to be clear, I have organized the indications in two types:

1. Simple indication ("go with this instrument")

2. Double indication ("you will need to cross by 3 streets with this instrument")

I also have recorded the audio in one take in order to be easier then to present it and for that I ask my house mate Rodrigo, violinist, if he could help me.

Indeed, we decided that the different indications could also be associated with feelings so we tried to find different melodies with different characters:

- Violin melody: Introducction from Rondo Capriccioso by Saint-Saƫn. (sad)

-Flute melody: Guillermo Tell Flute solo. (happy)

-Percussion - voice: Stand by me - Ben E. King (neutro)

As a sumary, we did in total four takes and it was not very difficult, we really had a lot of fun recording it and end up happy with the result.

I hope you can arrive to de destination although I am concious about it will be difficult bacuse of the complex track and not maybe very clear - normal indications.